
ITProTV’s Haskell style guide

Haskell 2010 ought to be enough for anybody.

This guide describes how we like to write Haskell at ITProTV. It focuses more on style and best practices than formatting and layout.

These are recommendations, not hard and fast rules. Deviating from the guide is encouraged as long as you can defend your decision in code review.

In general we prefer clarity over cleverness. Try to write code that is easy to understand, debug, and modify.

This guide is a living document. If you want to add, change, or remove a suggestion, please open an issue!

Table of contents

Avoid compiler warnings

Code should compile with -Weverything and -Werror. We ignore a few warnings:


Avoid language extensions

GHC provides a large number of language extensions. Enabling them creates a staggering number of custom sub-languages. Sticking to the defaults makes things easier to learn.

-- bad
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
\ case
  () -> ()

-- good
\ x -> case x of
  () -> ()


Apply HLint suggestions

We use HLint to lint all Haskell code. It suggests many good ways to improve code. We use a somewhat custom configuration, but the exact details aren’t too important.


Format with Brittany

We use Brittany to format all Haskell code. It may not format everything perfectly, but we prefer it to arguing about layout.


Prefer let over where

let is an expression and follows the same rules as everything else. where can only be used with declarations and can be awkward to use with do notation, guards, and point-free code.

-- bad
3 * kibi where kibi = 2 ^ 10

-- good
let kibi = 2 ^ 10 in 3 * kibi


Avoid out of order binders

Even though the values bound in a let expression can be given in any order, they should be defined in a way that makes them easy to read from top to bottom.

-- bad
  x = y
  y = 1
in x

-- good
  y = 1
  x = y
in x

Prefer case expressions

case expressions are generally easier to grok even though they’re often longer than the equivalent expression using functions.

-- bad
putStrLn ("howdy " ++ maybe "stranger." (++ "!") maybeName)

-- good
putStrLn (case maybeName of
  Nothing -> "stranger."
  Just name -> name ++ "!")


Avoid unnecessary eta reduction

Excessively point-free code can be difficult to puzzle out. In general prefer explicit lambdas and function application.

-- bad
((. f) . compare .)

-- good
\ x y -> compare (f x) (f y)

However sometimes eta expansion can make things harder to read. Keep things point-free if it’s easier to see the shape of an expression.

-- bad
sum xs = foldr (\ x y -> x + y) 0 xs

-- good
sum = foldr (+) 0


Avoid multiple function declarations

Multiple function declarations force you to repeat the function name and all the arguments. Renaming any one of them requires changing every line. Also each function declaration could use different argument names, which would be confusing.

-- bad
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)

-- good
factorial n = case n of
  0 -> 1
  _ -> n * factorial (n - 1)

Prefer do notation

do notation is generally easier to read because it’s similar to imperative code. It’s also easier to modify, for example by adding logging. Compact expressions using explicit monadic operators like (>>=) should be avoided.

-- bad
getLine >>= print

-- good
do line <- getLine
   print line

Avoid pure do

Normally do notation is used for monadic expressions. It is possible to use it with pure expressions, but it’s confusing.

-- bad
double x = do
  let two = 2
  x * two

-- good
double x =
  let two = 2
  in x * two

Avoid writing partial functions

Partial functions are difficult to work with because they can fail but their type signatures don’t express that. Avoid non-exhaustive pattern matching, undefined, and error. Instead prefer types like Maybe result or Either failure success.

-- bad
first (x : _) = x

-- good
first xs = case xs of
  x : _ -> Just x
  _ -> Nothing


Avoid using partial functions

Many libraries, including the standard library, come with partial functions that throw exceptions at runtime. Wherever possible, avoid using these partial functions and prefer their total (non-partial) versions instead.

-- bad
head []

-- good
listToMaybe []


Group all imports together

Imports should not be split into two groups: third-party and first-party. “Third-party” means anything that comes from Stackage (or Hackage, or GitHub). “First-party” means anything that comes from the project itself (or other private dependencies). Splitting imports into groups makes it easier to figure out where to look for documentation.

-- bad
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson

import qualified ITProTV.Internal.Secrets as Secrets

-- good
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified ITProTV.Internal.Secrets as Secrets

Avoid importing parents

A module like A.B.C shouldn’t import anything from A.B or A. However it is fine to import from A.B.C.D or A.E. This makes the module hierarchy easier to understand.

Prefer qualified imports

Qualifying imports makes it clear where things come from at the cost of making things more verbose.

-- bad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)

-- good
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Text as Text

When importing a module named A.B.….Z, generally prefer aliasing it as Z.


Prefer unqualified operators

Qualified operators are visually noisy and can be hard to read. Import them explicitly instead of using them from a qualified import.

-- bad
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
Aeson.object [ "successful" Aeson..= True ]

-- good
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson
Aeson.object [ "successful" .= True ]

Prefer functions over operators

When both a function and an operator are available, prefer the function over the operator. Functions always follow the same rules, unlike operators which force you to take precedence into consideration.

-- bad
scooby & snack .~ True

-- good
set snack True scooby

Prefer short identifiers

Exported identifiers only need to be unique in the module that they’re defined in. Modules should be used to separate namespaces.

-- bad
data Company = Company { companyName :: Text }
data User = User { userName :: Text }

-- good
module Company where
  data Company = Company { name :: Text }
module User where
  data User = User { name :: Text }

Use camel case names

There’s no good rationale for this, it’s just convention. Avoid using underscores to separate words in identifiers. Instead use upper case letters for new words.

-- bad
type LOUD_SNAKE = ()
quiet_snake = ()

-- good
type LoudSnake = ()
quietSnake = ()

In spite of this, some names like IO are written in all caps.

Avoid primes in names

-- bad
users' = filter isAdmin users

-- good
admins = filter isAdmin users

-- okay
users_ = filter isAdmin users
users2 = filter isAdmin users

Primes in names are confusing and should be avoided. Try to use descriptive names instead. If there isn’t a better name to use, adding an underscore or number as a suffix is acceptable.


Avoid multiple underscore suffixes

Using a single underscore is a fine way to distinguish values that would otherwise have the same name. However if you find yourself having more than one underscore, consider using a different suffix like a number instead.

-- bad
users = ...
users_ = ...
users__ = ...

-- good
users1 = ...
users2 = ...
users3 = ...

Avoid explicit export lists

Explicitly listing exports often causes a lot of busywork.

-- bad
module Toppings ( pepperoni ) where

-- good
module Toppings where

Avoid String

String is a linked list of characters, which is a remarkably bad data type for almost all purposes. Whenever possible, prefer using Text instead.

-- bad
"beans" :: String

-- good
"beans" :: Text


Use newtype liberally

Type aliases (with type) don’t add any type safety. Type wrappers (with newtype) add type safety and don’t have any runtime cost.

-- bad
type Name = Text

-- good
newtype Name = Name Text


Use smart constructors

Rather than trying to make everything correct by construction, prefer simple newtype wrappers with smart constructors to check invariants.

-- bad
data Email = Email
  { localPart :: Text
  , domain :: Text

-- good
module Email ( Email, textToEmail, emailToText ) where

newtype Email = Email Text

textToEmail :: Text -> Maybe Email
textToEmail x = if isEmail x
  then Just (Email x)
  else Nothing

emailToText :: Email -> Text
emailToText (Email x) = x


Expose record constructors and fields

For records, hiding constructors and fields introduces too much boilerplate. Unlike newtypes, you should simply export the constructors and fields.

-- bad
module Example ( Person, makePerson, getPersonName, setPersonName ) where
data Person = Person { personName :: String }
makePerson = Person
getPersonName = personName
setPersonName person name = person { personName = name }

-- good
module Example ( Person(..) ) where
data Person = Person { personName :: String }


Use descriptive unwrapping names

If the function that removes a newtype wrapper starts with unwrap, that implies the result is essentially the internal representation of that type. That may be true now, but it might change as time goes on. Also using a more descriptive function names makes call sites easier to understand. So instead of unwrapX use xToY.

-- bad
unwrapEmail :: Email -> Text

-- good
emailToText :: Email -> Text

Avoid list comprehensions

List comprehensions are cute, but they’re not often used and can be difficult to puzzle out. Prefer using regular functions or do notation instead.

-- bad
[ x * 2 | x <- xs, x > 0 ]

-- good
map (* 2) (filter (> 0) xs)

-- okay
  x <- xs
  guard (x > 0)
  pure (x * 2)

Prefer monads for building records

When building a record it is tempting to use the applicative operators (<$>) and (<*>). However they can pose a problem when the expression is polymorphic because it’s hard to tell if the right values are being put into the right slots. Even though the monadic way of writing things is more verbose, it’s a lot harder to mess up.

-- bad
instance FromJSON Episode where
  parseJSON = withObject "Episode" $ \ object -> Episode
    <$> object .: "title"
    <*> object .: "subtitle"

-- good
instance FromJSON Episode where
  parseJSON = withObject "Episode" $ \ object -> do
    title <- object .: "title"
    subtitle <- object .: "subtitle"
    pure Episode
      { episodeTitle = title
      , episodeSubtitle = subtitle

Avoid multi-layered nesting

When seeking values from a nested object, avoid creating nested case statements. Instead seek to pull one value out at a time.

-- bad
case foo of
  Just bar -> case Bar.maybeField bar of
    Just baz -> Baz.maybeField baz
    Nothing -> Nothing
  Nothing -> Nothing
-- good
maybeFieldBar <- case foo of
  Just bar -> Bar.maybeField bar
  Nothing -> Nothing
case maybeFieldBar of
  Just baz -> Baz.maybeField baz
  Nothing -> Nothing

Derive at least Eq and Show

Both the Eq and Show type classes are frequently used for debugging. Be sure to derive them for any custom types that you define.

-- bad
data Switch
  = Off
  | On

-- good
data Switch
  = Off
  | On
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The only exception is for types that have sensitive information in them, like passwords. In that case you may want no Show instance at all, or you may want an instance that hides the information.

newtype Password
  = Password Text
  deriving Eq

instance Show Password where
  show = const "Password \"REDACTED\""

Avoid backtick operators

Turning a regular function into an infix operator using backticks is pretty weird and easy to miss. We should prefer calling functions the normal way.

-- bad
apple `elem` fruits

-- good
elem apple fruits

The only exception is Hspec’s shouldBe functions, which are designed to be written infix.

1 + 2 `shouldBe` 3

Avoid separate lets

-- bad
  let x = 1
  let y = 2
  pure (x + y)

-- good
  x = 1
  y = 2
pure (x + y)

Avoid mixing ADTs and records

In general a data type should either be an ADT like data X = A Int | B String or a record like data X = X { a :: Int, b :: String }. Mixing both is a recipe for disaster.

-- bad
data T
  = C1 { f1 :: Int }
  | C2 { f2 :: Double }

-- good
data T
  = C1 T1
  | C2 T2

newtype T1
  = T1 Int

newtype T2
  = T2 Double

Avoid excessive parentheses

When possible you should prefer using the ($) operator to avoid parentheses.

-- bad
g (f x)

-- good
g $ f x

Prefer composition to application

Rather than have multiple ($) operators in a row, change all but the last one to (.).

-- bad
h $ g $ f x

-- good
h . g $ f x

Avoid boolean blindness

Whenever possible you should define a custom type instead of using a Bool.

-- bad
isActive :: Bool
isActive = someCondition

-- good
data State
  = Active
  | Inactive

state :: State
state = if someCondition
  then Active
  else Inactive


Avoid big tuples

After about 3 or 4 elements, you should consider changing from a tuple to a custom data type.

-- bad
( 32, "Taylor", "Haskell" )

-- good
  { age = 32
  , name = "Taylor"
  , language = "Haskell"

Avoid duplicate guards

When writing declarations with guards, avoid re-stating the same bindings.

-- bad
case f x of
  y | p y -> a
  y | q y -> b
  _ -> c

-- good
case f x of
  y | p y -> a
    | q y -> b
  _ -> c

Prefer arbitrary precision numbers

Whenever possible you should prefer using arbitrary precision numbers.

-- bad
1 :: Int

-- good
1 :: Integer

The exact recommendation here depends on the type you’re using.

However it’s important to keep in mind that many systems do not support arbitrary precision. If you’re working with a type that must be stored in a database like PostgreSQL or sent over the wire to JavaScript, a limited precision type is probably more appropriate.

Prefer separating re-exports and new declarations

-- bad
module A ( module Z, f ) where
import Z
f = undefined

-- good
module B ( f ) where
f = undefined

module A ( module Z, module B ) where
import Z
import B

If a module more or less re-exports other modules, that’s all it should do. New declarations should go into other modules that will then get pulled into the re-exporter.